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This month’s meeting of the Real Professionals Network Mastermind Group featured 2 prominent public officials who have greatly impacted the City of Miami over the last 3 decades. Juan Del Busto who was the Regional President of the Miami Fed for 16 years and has 40 years experience working for this quasi government organization; talked about the dealings which made them the #1 branch 11 years running for cost and efficiency. Like Juan, his successors continue to work hard to keep the fresh flow of new currency coming into the economy.

Ana Gelabert-Sanchez who has served as City Planner for the City of Miami for 12 years under two different mayors discussed how zoning has changed to make for a more vibrant city parallel to NYC and San Francisco with open spaces. Under the new zoning code which she implemented, public hearings were eliminated cutting down the permitting process by 9 to 12 months and allowing developers to focus on adding great buildings.

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