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At the Dallas REAL Professionals meeting there was substantial conversation about “Cyber-Attacks” and how common place they have become. If more insurance policies carried/covered Cyber-Attack insurance it would help the company respond more effectively to a cyber breach and also help cover the costs if any are incurred.

Rick Lackey, CEO of REAL Professionals Group, shared that some of the larger real estate companies are realizing that cyber coverage is needed because “it has become more and more of a reality”. Another attendee told the group that he has experienced “first-hand” what a cyber-attack is capable of and it is a “real threat” to those who are not insured. Zach Sams with Kensington Vanguard National Land Services stated that as a title company they are “constantly under attack 24/7” with people constantly trying to hack into their systems.

It is becoming more and more obvious that cyber-attacks are not going anywhere so companies and clients need to make sure they do their research and get that added to their policies.

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